Permanent Makeup
Permanent Makeup is a form of cosmetic tattooing used to enhance facial features. It is a process by which pigments are permanently inserted into the top layer of the skin. Although techniques may vary, the results are the same; permanent waterproof color that is hassle-free and always fresh. Whether enhancement of eyebrows, eyeliner, or lips is desired; permanent color creates a polished look, or one that is subtle and natural. Procedures take approximately one and one half hour each. For a first time procedure, you will be scheduled for a follow-up visit 6 weeks from your initial apointment to do any touch-up work necessary and to insure that your permanent makeup meets your expectations.
Pigment never goes away after being implanted. However, it will fade due to sun exposure, your skin type, facial products used, aging, and lifestyle. The brighter, darker colors will last longer than lighter, more natural colors. Brows will need a touch-up every year. This is because brow colors are weaker colors than bright colors used for lips, and the black used for eyeliner. Lip colors will last 2-4 years. Eyeliner will last many years in most cases. If you have a touch-up before your pigment has completely faded, only one appointment is needed and the fee is much less. If your make-up has completely faded, necessitating re-creation, an original fee will be charged and 2 appointments will be scheduled.
Thank you for your interest in having a permanent makeup procedure, and in my permanent makeup cosmetic practice.
You may wish to make an appointment for a consultation before deciding if permanent makeup is for you. The consultation will take approximately 30 minutes, during which time I will review your medical history forms, answer any questions you may have, and when appropriate, draw your brow or lip design. Please read the Consent Form and the Procedure Information Sheet, and fill out the Registration, Medical History form before your appointment if you are a new patient. The information on the Consent Form and the procedure specific form will answer most of your questions. Please make sure to get the answers to all your questions before the day of your scheduled procedure. The charge for a consultation is $50.00, which will be used as your non-refundable deposit when you schedule your procedure.
All Patients receiving treatments by me for the first time in this office, will need to meet my supervising physician for a short medical history review. This is a State law, as well as our desire to insure you the best and safest treatment outcome. There is no charge for this review and can usually be done at the same visit as your appointment with me. I will post specials and my travel time away from the office on this website.
If you have seen my work and have no questions, it is not necessary for you to have a consultation before scheduling an appointment for your procedure. Remember however, that this is permanent and it is always best to have all the information you need before making a decision. I don’t schedule a consultation and your procedure on the same day.
Thank you again, and I hope to hear from you soon.