Alyce Murphree has been a Registered Nurse since 1972 with 28 years of Hospital nursing experience--20 of those years in the Operating Room at Queen of the Valley Hospital in Napa, Calif.   She has also worked in Labor and Delivery, Private Duty Home Care, Cardiac, and Neonatal ICU.   Overlapping some years with the O.R. has been 30+ years of Aesthetic Care.  She trained extensively in Permanent Makeup in 2000.  She began injecting Dermal Fillers in 2003 and Botox in 2006.   Alyce's previous experience as a nurse and surgical first assistant further enhance her expertise in these treatments.

Alyce is associated with Dr Britt Swor-Yim M.D. since June 2020.  

Office location: #7 Walkabout Lane Napa Ca. 94558


You can reach Alyce personally to make an appointment by contacting her at,  or by calling her cell phone# 707-815-5979




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